Coming soon...

Please bear with us while we populate our website with relevant school policies. If you have any queries in the meantime please contact and we can forward a digital copy of any of our policies to you. 

Homework Policy 2022.pdf
Accident & Injury Policy.pdf
Loughmore NS Admissions Policy 2020.pdf
Child Safeguard Statement & Risk Assessment 2022.pdf
RSE policy.pdf
Data Protection Policy.pdf
Code of Behaviour & Discipline 2023.pdf
Anti Bullying Policy 2023 .pdf
Digital Learning Plan Loughmore NS 2020.pdf
Exemption from Irish Policy.pdf
Fire drill & evacuation policy.pdf
Internet Acceptable Use Policy UPDATED May 2020.pdf
Policy on Assessment 2020.pdf
Parent Staff Communication Policy 2019 Reviewed August 2020.pdf
Swimming Policy.pdf
Supervision policy.pdf
Wellbeing Policy Loughmore NS.pdf