Our school garden was created in 2012 by Seanie Gleeson and Joe Brennan and we thank them sincerely for all their guidance and assistance. It is a fabulous garden with a separate bed for each classroom. Seanie very generously helped us to plan and plant the garden giving each class a lesson in the correct way to plant each vegetable. In addition to this he created a separate little patch for strawberries, raspberries and rhubarb. We have had excellent harvests last year and this year. Bridget is responsible for heading up our Green Fingers Committee and diligently organising the sewing of plants and vegetables each spring. Múinteoir Nina has made stews, soups and smoothies with our pupils using some of our produce. We have also liaised with the Cottage for cooking lessons. We are working on a wildflower garden next with a focus on biodiversity. We also painted and sewed new flower-boxes and flowerbeds to make our schools pretty and help the bees.